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Automated Investing

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For Latin America

Investments in the US, made simple.

Open your account in a few steps and invest in a diversified portfolio adjusted to your goals. Let us help you maximize returns and minimize expenses through the power of analytical technology.

World class partners

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BUNKER is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser, regulated under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

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allocation bunker portfolio

Maximize your earnings, stress-free.


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    100% paperless, digital experience from your phone or desktop.
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    You control the most important things, we do the rest.
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    If you want human assistance, we’re here 24/7.
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Simple bunker icon
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    Digital investing made intuitive and friendly.
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    Single questionnaire to set up your account.
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    Transparent pricing: one single, transparent fee for trades and advice, so we stay 100% conflict-free.
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US brokerage account

Us Brokerage account icon
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    SEC regulation and oversight.
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    SIPC insured investments.
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    Safety First: secure platform, Multi-factor authentication.
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    Data privacy: Rated “A+” Encryption Technology.
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Diversified, ETF portfolios

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    Automated investing with a solid strategy, based on your risk profile. No emotions, no human error.
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    Data-driven diversified investing to grow your wealth.
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    We monitor and manage your portfolio.
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phone questionnaire example
answer example


Tell us a bit about yourself

BUNKER will build and suggest an investment portfolio that fits your profile.
Phone mockup
allocation illustration
porfolios list illustration


Set-up your account and discover your recommended portfolio

We will guide you through the entire process. 100% digital.
Phone mockup
new-fund illustration


Fund your account & let us handle the rest!

Get on with your life while BUNKER invests and manages your portfolio.
Discover your profile

Coming soon

How it works


Tell us a bit about yourself

BUNKER will build and suggest an investment portfolio that fits your profile.


Set-up your account and discover your recommended portfolio

We will guide you through the entire process. 100% digital.


Fund your account & let us handle the rest!

Get on with your life while BUNKER invests and manages your portfolio.
Discover your profile

Join now!

Common questions

Explore frequently asked questions by new customers.

By answering a simple set of questions, we can help you pick one of our powerful data-driven portfolios. Our portfolios contain diversified ETFs selected after deep data research across more than 4000 options. We provide all-in fully automated investment. While you live your life, we take care of your investments by rebalancing, reinvesting dividends and periodically reviewing portfolios.

To apply for a BUNKER account you'll need the following requirements: Be 18 years or older Verify your identity with an actual valid photo ID Check available jurisdictions here A smartphone camera is preferred in order to verify your identity and prevent fraud. We are working to make our platform available for multiple systems and devices. To check compatibility you can click here.

You can deposit funds into your BUNKER account through ACH and Wire transfers from your personal account at another financial institution. You can transfer funds through our platforms at any time but in general they will take up to 3 business days to be available at your BUNKER account. Local ACHs can be pulled directly in from your bank account, you can bring your funds at another institution through our app. On the other hand, Wire transfers must be pushed through the original financial institution, you will only give us a notice.

BUNKER offers its clients an investment product and the compensation for uninvested cash in the account (cash sweep program). Each service has its specific pricing scheme. BUNKER charges its clients a one single fee for the investment service based on the value of the invested assets, as detailed in the table below.

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Copyright 2023 BUNKER™

201 Spear Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94105

BUNKER ™ application for trademark protection is in review with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

This website has been created and is maintained by Smartadvisor LLC (“BUNKER” or the “Company”). Smartadvisor LLC is a Delaware limited liability company and an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser (regulated under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940) providing automated investment advice available online and through mobile applications. The Company's registration with the US Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) was approved on August 6th, 2022. More information available at https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/firm/summary/319690 (CRD# 319690 / SEC# 801-125996). By using this website, you understand the information being is provided for informational purposes only and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

This website is in no way a solicitation or offer to sell securities or investment advisory and it is for informational purposes only. The information provided here should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Investing in financial securities involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. You may lose money. This information does not constitute and is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, we recommend consultation with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, financial planner, or investment manager.

All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market or economic conditions, and this information does not constitute and is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice or investment planning advice. Data contained herein from third party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Except for personal use only no part of this website may be published, distributed, extracted, re-utilized, or reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this website). All Brokerage and Clearing services are provided by, and securities are offered through, Apex Clearing Corporation, Member FINRA/SIPC.

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